
Thirumoolar Thirumanthiram In Tamil Pdf Story


Story book 63 Nayanmars by Kirupanandha Variyar. Thirumoolar Thirumanthiram HandBooks. Send Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram tamil pdf to my mail id: mohanraj. 30 Mar Thirumanthiram (in Tamil). Download as PDF or read online from. It is all about the thirumoolar thirumanthiram with meaning in tamil pdf. 26 Apr Thirumoolar Thirumanthiram With Meaning In Tamil Pdf gmdeh Introduction to Thirumoolar’s Siva.

LIFE HISTORY OF THIRUMOOLAR A Student by name Sundaran who belongs to Madurai in Tamilnadu had undergone his studies with guru Agasthiar in Pothigai Region. Agasthiar was a Siddhar, Saint and Rishi. His contributions to Tamil literature are very huge in the field of Medicine, Sithandham, Vedhantham, and Physiology. In those days Education means gurukulavasam. That is to say that the student stayed with the Guru or teacher and the studies are not with books. The student learnt from the guru by observing him, being obedient to him, devoted to him. And then when the guru feels that the right time had arrived he used to give lectures and also engage the students in various discussions on philosophy and other related materials.

Most of the Vedas, Upanishads, and other religious materials were taught in this way and the students had to memorize the verses. Agasthiar had contributed hugely to Hindu philosophy.

He had also authored hundreds and thousands of poems dealing with philosophy and religion. One such book is named “Agasthiar Forty Thousand” and it contains 40,000 poems! He has written several books in Tamil dealing with variety of subjects such as Medicine, Vedhantham and Sithandham. As and when Sundaran had completed his Tamil studies with guru Agasthiar he sponsored him to Nandeeswaran for further studies in Sanskrit language about Vedha Agamam. Guru Nandheeswarar preached and taught Nine Vedha Agamams which was first taught by Lord Shiva to Parvathi, then to Nandeeswaran.

Lord Shiva preached in all a total of 28 Vedha Agamams. Nandeeswarar preached only Nine Vedha Agamams to his disciples. Incidentally Sundaran was studied at Mount Kailash.

There were seven other disciples by name Sanagar, Sanandhanar, Sandhanar, Sarar Kumarar, Viyakramar, Padanjali, Sivayoga Mamuni. All these disciples studied along with Sundarar making up a total of eight disciples. The names of the nine Vedha Agamams are Karanam, Kamigam, Veeram, Sindham, Vadhulam, Viyamalam, Kolotharam, Suppiram and Makudam. These Vedha Agamams enunciate the Directive Principles of Dharma, Karma, Yoga and Knowledge about the solar system, and lunar system. In addition to explaining the nature and function of the universe they give enormous insight into the human physiology.

The system of the human anatomy and its various functions are described in detail. They also discuss the functions of the mental activities of the human being. These were the various topics that Guru Nandeeswarar taught to these eight disciples. Our Sundaran also completed his studies with Nandeeswarar in Sanskrit language and acquired complete knowledge in Vedhantham and also acquired the eight holy powers otherwise known as Ashtamasiddhi.

These eight Siddhis are named and known as: (1)ANIMA (2)MAGIMA (3)KARIMA (4)LAGIMA (5)PRAPTHI (6) PARAKAMYAM (7)VASITHUVAM (8)ISHATHVAM. I will explain the meaning and significance of these siddhis now. ANIMA or MICROCOSM: It is a specific property of Minuteness of the soul. A yogi concentrating meditating and fixing his attention on the quality of the soul during forced exhalation draws together his entire energy to a point which is then made to penetrate into his body so as to make them vibrate according to the will of the yogi.

As and when he masters this he gains another siddhi by using which he can inter into a dead body and bring it back to life. MAHIMA or MICROCOSM: It is a special quality of the soul. By concentrating on this property of the soul, a yogi by mere inhalation of air makes his body assume a larger size and comprehends the universe in himself as was done by Lord Krishna when he assumed the ViratSarupa Viswaroopa to show Arjuna how the whole of the universe was within himself. LAGIMA or LIGHTNESS: It is the third property of the soul. By making sangama on this property of the soul. The yogi produces diminution of his specific gravity of successive Pooraka, Pramayama. By Swallowing large droughts of air he can thus make his body as light as feather so that it can float in the air or in water.


The Yogi’s power of travelling thousands of miles in a moment is attributed to this siddhi. GARIMA or GRAVITY: It is the property of the soul that is of increasing the specific gravity of the body and thus making it as heavy as a Mountain by Swallowing draughts of air and compressing them to the tissues of the body. PRAPTHI or SUCCESS: It is the obtaining of desired objects and supernatural powers. The yogi when he is in samadhi acquires the powers of predicting future events, of understanding unknown languages, curing of diseases and of divining the unexpressed thoughts of others. He will enjoy all the pleasures as he wants in his place and as he pleases. PRAKAMYA: It is defined to be the property of entering in to the body of another person. By doing this the yogi can make that person vibrate according to his (yogi’s) will.

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