
Contoh Telaah Staf Pns


Bagaimana Contoh telaahan staf? Dapat dengan mudah kita temui misalnya dalam kalangan PNS. Bagi seorang pegawai negeri, telaah staf mungkin akan mengkaitkannya dengan permasalahan yang ingin dibicarakan kepada pimpinan.

• Wahyu Supriyanto 2015-12-01 Full Text Available Gadjah Mada University Libraries are expected to provide a better fast, easy and efficient service. In the past few years, there were some changes at the Gadjah Mada University Libraries; moreover Gadjah Mada University is stated to be a research university so that the library service quality must be improved. To identify the strategy of management of Gadjah Mada University Libraries with the current changes of the library environment. This is a qualitative research based on the collaboration between the research and subject of the research using 12 people to be purposive sampling consisting of some librarians and stakeholders. The Research instruments are interview and analysis of the second data.

Due to of the change of the Organizational structure of Gadjah Mada University Libraries as stated in Rector's decree no. Shin sangoku musou 4 iso ps2 servers. 259/P/SK/HT/2004 which stated that Gadjah Mada University Libraries are under Rector directly and the Libraries had to adapt their mission with the mission and the strategy of the university management. The most expected value of the strategy of management is the commitment of the Rector so that the facility will increase the role of the libraries as the information resources of can be optimum. The applied strategy is a growing strategy to develop the integrated and digital service and to the support university as a research university. Some changes are happening and the perceptions of the stakeholders showed that the strategy of the libraries management must be changed to improve the service quality of Gadjah Mada University libraries. The Commitment is to develop library with the change of the external and internal environment; to increase the quality of the human resources and to decrease the weakness as minimum as possible.

Key Words: Strategy of Management, Environmental Changing • Uminurida Suciati 2015-12-01 Full Text Available The quality of the library will impact the quality of the students and the research. Main Library of Gadjah Mada University as a unit of the information service is expected to be able to provide the information which can fulfill the user needs and also can be a place to process information retrieval. In addition, the available of the computer technology service can motivate the user to visit library more often. Research method which is used is mixture research i.e descriptive qualification and survey. The respondents who are interviewed consisted of SO, SI, S2, S3, lecturer; researcher, staff of UGM and the users outside of UGM. Whereas, some methods which are used were observation, interviewed and distributed the questionnaire to 200 users.

Contoh Telaah Staf Pns

Analysis is done after interpreting the result of interviews and the survey which the data analysis and the process of the data collecting were observed at the same time. The 3 flow models of Miles and Huberman in Bungin is used i.e data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The result of the research of the computer technology use in Gadjah Mada Library, as follows: it provides positive impact to the user to visit the library, it shows 94% of the user search the reference materials which are used by the lecturer including papers, lecturing materials, thesis, result of the research and result of the laboratory, it is expected the implementation of the computer technology in the library can change the catalog card to cut the long queue, it shows 75% of the user know very well how to use the computer optimally. The user always follow the technological trend of the computer, and have the enthusiasm high to read. Collection of The Main Library of Gadjah Mada University in the reality shows 75% have fulfilled the user requirement, and so do sum up the adequate computer enough, but require to be added its amount. Set a light 3d studio keygen mac crack. The service of access internet in this research is inclusive of quickly and better compared • Ahmad Sulaiman 2016-04-01 Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan implementasi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI sebagai upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Studi ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Gadjah Mada, dengan subjek Kantor Jaminan Mutu (KJM UGM. Teknik pengumpulan data: observasi langsung, penelusuran dokumen dan arsip, serta wawancara.

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