Note • win_updates must be run by a user with membership in the local Administrators group. • win_updates will use the default update service configured for the machine (Windows Update, Microsoft Update, WSUS, etc).
KB updates for WSUS on Windows Server 2016. I was go to WSUS and Stop Sync the go to option from WSUS then add Wind 10 and Win server 12+16.
• By default win_updates does not manage reboots, but will signal when a reboot is required with the reboot_required return value, as of Ansible 2.5 reboot can be used to reboot the host if required in the one task. • win_updates can take a significant amount of time to complete (hours, in some cases). Performance depends on many factors, including OS version, number of updates, system load, and update server load. • More information about PowerShell and how it handles RegEx strings can be found at. Ultra ps 230w rc blok pitaniya.